༺A division bench of the Gujarat High Court, comprising of Chief Justice Vikram Nath and Justice AJ Shastri a clutch of letters patent appeals filed by Indian Poker Association Secretary KN Suresh, Dominance Games Private Limited, Aman Chhabra and Hotel Ramada, Ahmedabad against a single judge bench’s order ruling poker to be a game of chance and within the ambit of gambling.
൩Senior counsel and barrister Nakul Dewan, appearing for IPA Secretary Suresh sought to make his submissions before the bench. The bench however adjourned the matter to 19th December and stated that the hearings of the case would be conducted on a day-to-day basis from 19th December onwards.
🍌The appeals filed against ruling poker to be a game of chance have been marred by adjournments ever since they were first listed two years ago.
🐟The matters however are expected to gather steam and see a final outcome from the Gujarat High Court within the next few months, if day-to-day hearings are indeed conducted from 19th December.