Hyderabad police took 9 individuals into custody for allegedly being involved in online betting during the ongoing cricket matc🐬h on Monday. Upon receiving information that tipped them off about the racket, the Crime Branch was quick to act on it and managed to capture the alleged group of bettors.
The incid🦋ent took place at an office in the Phoenix Complex in Navrangpura. The Detection of Crime Branch unit raided the location and detained the individuals.
An FIR ♐was filed, which stated that the officials found open betting websites on the two laptops found at the scene.
“One individual was logged in as an administrator on one laptop. In tꦑhe other laptop, we found names of the clients who had placed the bets and the amounts they had pledged. We found the administrator ID and password from another individual who had got the employees to open various IDs and was circulating it among those who wished to place bets,” the police said in their statement, as reported by the Times of India.